Reader, I fought the good fight. In my heart of hearts, I sincerely do believe in the value of grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization. I love a thick book; I revel in a well-turned phrase. I have resisted change with every fiber of my learned and literate being. But, I give up.
ayt = are you there?
b = be
b4 = before
bbfn = bye bye for now
bbl = be back later
bcuz = because
bf = boyfriend
bffs = best friends forever
c = see
da = the
d8 = date
dnt = don’t
dznt = doesn’t
eva = ever
g2g = got to go
gf = girlfriend
hw = homework
im = I am
lol = laughing out loud
lmao = laughing my ass off
lmfao = laughing my f*cking ass off
mos = mom over shoulder
np = no problem
nvr = never
nw = no way
omg = oh my God
p911 = parent alert
pal = parents are listening
plz = please
pos = parent over shoulder
ppl = people
r = are
rite = right/write
skewl = school
sry = sorry
sum1 = someone
sup = what's up?
tmi = too much information
ttfn = ta ta for now
ttyl = talk to you later
ur = your, you are
w8 = wait
wb = write back
w/e = whatever
wtf = what the f*ck!
y = why?
It pains me to report that OMG and LOL were recently added to the Oxford English Dictionary. So, clearly, there's no going back now. But, maybe that's all right. After all, languages are fluid phenomena; they evolve with the issues of the times and as civilization's thought leaders add new words. (Just ask Shakespeare ... or Sarah Palin.)
In that spirit, I'd like to suggest adding a few tween momisms to the language of text talk:
dyhw = do your homework
gopc = get off the computer
waj = wear a jacket
gocp = get off the cell phone
cyr = clean your room
2mm = too much makeup
And my favorite ...
biss = because I said so
That's all for now. I encourage you to study this list; I'm going to test you later. But, don't worry ... spelling won't be counted. bb4n
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